Monday, June 7, 2010


On Saturday night we decided to walk together around the lake and detoured to Pizza Hut and then walked back to the car. It was a fun activity with the kids and they enjoyed the pizza and Greg and I enjoyed walking it off afterward. On Sunday morning I was really groggy and tired because I hadn't slept well because my arm kept going numb and I couldn't figure out why. I was in the shower washing up and looked down at my shoulder and to my dismay saw something black on it. Upon further inspection I figured out it was a tick. AAAHHH!! I freaked out. Greg had already gone to meetings at the church, so I figured I better call mom. I jumped out of the shower and rang her up. She informs me that she has no idea how to remove it (what the heck kind of answer is that, the woman has seven kids :) I then called Greg praying he would pick up. Luckily he did and through my tears (yes I am a baby) I told him what happened. He came rushing home to the rescue. He still chuckles at me when I say that is why my arm was numb, but I did call the urgent care and they said that was something that could happen with a tick bite. HOLY COW!! I was so freaked out. Nasty Nasty bugs!!


Sam and Sierra were excited to run in the sprinklers today. It still amazes me how much fun they get out of it

Sam going down the slide

Gabe getting whooped by dad.

Sierra climbing the ladder

I am helping out this summer at Jumpin Jax (the bounce place in town) with their parties and so forth. Greg brought the kids up the other day and they had a blast.

Brynna and the Tramp

Brynna loves Gabe. When she sees him she just lights up. Gabe decided to take her out and jump on the trampoline, which made me a little nervous, but he did so well with her.
It was so fun to hear her giggle and laugh and just have fun.

It took her a while to figure out it wasn't solid ground but once she did you couldn't wipe the smile off her face.


Okay so I wanted to update you on the results of our unexpected visitors. Here are all four birdies after they hatched. I looked up how it all works and then watched and sure enough it happened exactly the way they said. A robin only lays one egg per day and lay 3-4 eggs and then when they hatch (within 12-14 days) they hatch in the order they were laid a day apart. It was awesome to watch. I will tell you the sad news that after they hatched only two of them made it. Nature is cruel and two of the birdies were thrown out of the nest. Try explaining that to your kids. I had to explain to mine that even though they might not like their brother or sister at the time, they could not throw them out of the house!!