Monday, October 11, 2010


I have to admit I was not mentally ready for Gabe to turn 12. When I tell people that they think that I just don't want to get old. I can tell you that is very far from the truth. I have always had a hard time with my kids growing up. No matter how many time Greg tells me that is what is supposed to happen, I just want to dig in my heels and stop time. Yesterday I was holding him in my arms thinking I had all the time in the world and then all of a sudden he is being ordained a deacon and I am standing in front of the temple with him. I can honestly admit that I didn't want to go in. I am so glad I did. I was able to stand and watch while he entered those baptism waters with his dad and my heart was so full. I am so grateful to have been able to be there to watch that sacred ordinance take place. I am so proud of the young man Gabe is turning out to be and the decisions he has made. Don't get me wrong, I still want to dig in my heals and keep those hands from turning on the clock, but I am grateful my Heavenly Father knows me and is there to comfort me as my kids grow, like they are supposed to.


Here are a couple of pictures of Gabe on his birthday. They were off school on the Friday he turned 12, September 24. He wanted to go see Legends of the Guardians with a few friends and then eat at Cici's Pizza. So of course, that is what we did. It was a fun day!!