Monday, August 23, 2010


This post is just more for me to remember. I started at UNO today. Metro Community College is now in the past. My first class started at 9 so I thought I would leave right when the kids left for school so I would have plenty of time. Little did I know that parking was going to be such a nightmare!! And I stress the word nightmare. I paid for a parking pass and couldn't even find a parking space on campus. I ended up having to park over at a park. So as I am walking the mile to school and sweating profusely, I am cursing the administration of the college and the fact that I had to pay for the stinking parking pass in the first place. By the time I made it to my class I had five minutes to spare (mind you I parked the car at 8:25. So while I sat there I was hoping I didn't smell to bad seeming as seating in the classroom was very close quarters. Just as I had cooled off the class ended and I realized I had ten minutes to get all the way to the other side of the campus for my next class. Holy Moly!! Bring on more sweat!! Anyway, that is what I will always remember about my first day at UNO. Good times!!


Jon and Cheryl said...

University is quite a bit different than community college! I always parked at Grossmont but when I transferred to SDSU I never bought the pass because it was $150/semester and you could never find parking unless you got there before 8am. Be glad you don't go to UCSD....those passes were almost $800 for the year. Poor Jonny had to sport the razor scooter because he had to park like a mile away. True story.

P.S. Just put some deoderant in your backpack and you'll be all good.