Sunday, July 6, 2008


We had a fourth of July party at our house. There were a lot
of family and friends and a whole bunch of fireworks.
Gabe was excited because he could light some
of the fireworks himself (Dad was not far away)
We had a pinata for all the kids. You like how Sam
is not suppose to be using his arm, but that didn't stop him.
Sierra taking a swing at the pinata

The frenzy of kids getting the candy. Tim is actually
the one who broke it.
Some of the boys. Gabe, Zach, Brandon and Jordan

Ginger and Greg

Tim and Sam causing trouble!!

Grandma Denos came out from California to stay with
us for the fourth. She loves that time out here. California is
pretty harsh when it comes to fireworks.

Sierra eating some barbecue.

Some of the group

Tricia came up from Alabama with the girls for
the festivities.

Greg and I

Mom and Dad

Our good friends the Shon and Tonia and their
boys came over. Everyone had a really good time.